Park Minjeongさん学位授与
PhD degree awarded to Minjeong Park

Park Minjeiongさんが学位を授与されました。おめでとうございます!
パクさんはSIK familyによる睡眠制御や概日リズム、エネルギー代謝についてマウスモデルを用いて丁寧に研究に取り組みました。公表済みの研究としてはScientific Reports誌に掲載されているほか、今後の発表予定の研究がいくつもあります。明るくIIIS中のムードメーカーです。

Congratulations to Minjeong Park on receiving her PhD!
We are delighted to congratulate Minjeong on her successful doctoral defense.
Minjeong’s research has focused on the regulation of sleep, circadian rhythms, and energy metabolism by the SIK family, utilizing mouse models. Her findings have been published in Scientific Reports, and she has several papers in the pipeline. She is a valuable member of our team, always bringing a positive and energetic attitude to the lab and IIIS.

We are excited to see what you accomplish next.
