After a good night’s sleep, people wake up and spend the morning productively at work or school. Similarly, mice are most awake and active immediately after the beginning of the dark phase. However, the mechanism that causes rapid arousal after sleep has not been clarified.
We found that when SIK3 is deleted in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the mouse was unable to exhibit rapid arousal and waked up sluggishly. Deletion of SIK3 in the SCN did not change the daily amount of sleep, so the only change is the pattern and timing of sleep-wakefulness. Loss of SIK3 in the SCN prolonged the cycle length of the circadian clock. We further showed that the regulation of sleep-wake patterns and the regulation of circadian clock length are mediated by different neuronal populations.
Recently, we have shown that SIK3 is involved in the regulation of sleep quality and quantity. Thus, SIK3 regulates sleep quantity, sleep quality, and sleep-wake patterns through distinct neuronal populations. Amazing…
Asano et al. Proc Natl Acad USA 2023 🔗

After a good night’s sleep, people wake up and spend the morning productively at work or school. Similarly, mice are most awake and active immediately after the beginning of the dark phase. However, the mechanism that causes rapid arousal after sleep has not been clarified.
We found that when SIK3 is deleted in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the mouse was unable to exhibit rapid arousal and waked up sluggishly. Deletion of SIK3 in the SCN did not change the daily amount of sleep, so the only change is the pattern and timing of sleep-wakefulness. Loss of SIK3 in the SCN prolonged the cycle length of the circadian clock. We further showed that the regulation of sleep-wake patterns and the regulation of circadian clock length are mediated by different neuronal populations.
Recently, we have shown that SIK3 is involved in the regulation of sleep quality and quantity. Thus, SIK3 regulates sleep quantity, sleep quality, and sleep-wake patterns through distinct neuronal populations. Amazing…